East Bay Bushwhackers

Venue: Hesher’s Pizza & Taproom (Google Maps)
Games at venue: https://pinballmap.com/map/?by_location_id=11671
Food situation: Really good pizza! Kitchen is open until 7:45/8:00. No outside food allowed.
Nearby public transit: AC Transit 12, 72. BART (Broadway & 12th) then 12 min walk or take AC Transit

Note: Hesher’s normal hours show they’re closed on Tuesdays. They open specifically for Team League and doors are usually open around 7pm.

Cash and card accepted for pizza and drinks.
Games take PayRange, quarters, dollars. Change machine on site.

Captain: Scott Weigum

RosterIFPA RankMatchplay RankRestriction
Ben Chen
Jackie DiOrio
Tim Harrison
Gabe Jensen
Ralph Margado
Max Martin
Bobby Miller
Peter Soriano
Michael Szabo
Scott Weigum
(Honorary alumni)
Leslie Ruckman
Matchplay/IFPA rankings will be added at start of 2024 Fall Season